Washington Is Downwind From Culture
If you still believe the way to make good changes that reflect your faith values is to start by solely focusing on changing certain laws in this country, you’re wrong.
American culture does not follow Washington. Washington follows culture. Politicians lick their finger, stick it in the air, and see which way the wind is blowing. Lawmaking is a response to what’s happening in culture.
For example, look at the legalization of gay marriage. The gay community spent decades building trust and growing their influence in culture—in entertainment, real estate, and almost every other sphere of influence. Over time, the country culturally adopted the gay community’s desire for marriage.
In the same way, if you’re a Christian and you want to make a difference, start by figuring out your messaging, branding, and relationships in your local community. Grow your influence in your community and connect with other like-minded influencers in your region. Influence people and allow God’s spirit to use you to change hearts and minds. It’s a hell of a lot easier than trying to force changes in the law through Washington.
And by all means, stop sending your money to Washington to “influence” the country. Fund my church plant instead. You’ll get more bang for your buck. DM me for account details.